church and people meaning in English
- Third . ? we must believe that through the spirit , in unity with all god ' s children , we may ask and expect the mighty workings of that spirit on his church and people
第三:我们要相信,藉着圣灵并与神所有的儿女联合,求圣灵在他的教会和子民身上大大的作工。 - Let each one who has read thus far , say whether he is not willing , whether he does not long to give himself wholly to this blessed calling , and in the power of jesus christ to make intercession , supplication for god ' s church and people , and for a dying world , the one chief object of his life
凡是读到这里的人还能说不愿意也不希望答应将神这个蒙福的呼召? ?在主耶稣基督的大能里,为着神对教会的施恩,为着这灭亡的世界,把代祷当成生活唯一的目标吗?